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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-09
Proposed Campus Intellectual Product for Business Development Program “An Artifical Eye Consultation and Service Center”
Putri Welda Utami Ritonga, Haslinda Z Tamin, Aryani Atiyatul Amra
Published: Sept. 20, 2020 | 296 158
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2020.v07i09.004
Pages: 124-126
In relation with the efforts to develop a knowledge-based economy culture, the University of Sumatera Utara needs access in realizing knowledge and technopark that utilize the knowledge, education and research results of lecturers. By organizing the Campus Intellectual Product Business Development Program, the University of Sumatera Utara has the opportunity to earn income and helps create new entrepreneurs. As one of the study programs at the University of Sumatera Utara, Prosthodontics Study Program also wants to participate in efforts to develop a knowledge-based economic culture to create new entrepreneurs in accordance with the vision and mission of the Prosthodontics Study Program. In this program, the proposing team wants to establish a business unit for the Consultation Center and Artificial Eye Services which includes a Consultancy Center, an artificial eye service (Production Center), and an artificial eye making training (Training Center). The problem faced is that patients after eye surgery have not found a single service place that was able to facilitate the synchronization between ophthalmologists and prosthodontists, so that if the patient received advice from an ophthalmologist at an eye hospital or eye clinic about postoperative care with making an artificial eye, and the patient had to go to find a prosthodontist specialist again, it was less efficient in terms of time and cost, because these patients did not only come from the city of Medan, but also from the surrounding area. If there is already one place that directly serves from consultation to artificial eye making, it will definitely make it easier for patients to improve their quality of life. With the aforementioned problems, an idea emerged from the team that proposed the program to create a consulting center and artificial eye services, which so far did not exist in Indonesia.