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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-3 | Issue-07
Knowledge attitude and practices of mothers regarding diarrhoea in children in Abakaliki LGA of Ebonyi state
Asiegbu U.V, Asiegbu O.G, Ezeonu CT, Ezeanosike O.B
Published: July 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm
Pages: 194-198
Diarrheal disease has significantly led to infant morbidity and mortality. Infection is spread through
contaminated food or drinking water, or from person-to-person as a result of poor hygiene. Death from diarrhoea is
mainly due to loss of water and essential minerals. Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is most useful in its treatment.
Prevention is basically through safe drinking-water and adequate sanitation and hygiene. This study is therefore aimed at
determining mother’s knowledge, attitude and practice about diarrhoea in children at Abakaliki LGA of Ebonyi State. A
cross sectional questionnaire based study was conducted on 33 women who brought their babies to the wellbaby/immunization clinics at a primary health hospital in Abakaliki LGA. The questionnaire consisted of three section
designed for assessing the knowledge, attitude and practice and a section for demographic characteristics. Liker’s scale
which has 5 responses viz; strongly disagree, disagree, doubtful, agree, and strongly agree was used to assess their
response. For each question, Participants chose one option from the 5 responses. Data was analyzed using Epi Info 7. 1.
3. 10 of CDC Atlanta. Majority (81.8%) had good knowledge about diarrhoea illness, these were seen mainly among
mothers who reside at urban areas and who also had higher level of education. Majority 69.70% strongly belief that
witchcraft cause diarrhoea, these were mainly from the rural areas with low or no formal education. 42.4% of these
women use antidiarrheal in treatment.