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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 11
Functional Outcome of Distal Femoral Fractures Treated with Locking Plate
Ravi Chandra Yadav Madas, Suneel Pendurthi
Published: Nov. 14, 2019 | 75 66
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i11.017
Pages: 3575-3579
In current practice, most distal femur fractures are internally fixed with locking compression plates. The purpose of the study was to know the functional outcome of distal femoral fractures treated with locking plates. Study consisted of 20 patients with AO Type A and Type C distal femur fractures treated with locking plate over a period of 24 months. Functional outcome was measured after a followup period of 1 year. The average time to union was 15.4 weeks. There were no non-unions, 2 patients had delayed union and 1 patient had malunion. Average knee range of motion was 111.2°. Based on NEER’s functional score there were 35% excellent, 50% satisfactory, 10% unsatisfactory and 5% poor outcomes. Distal femur Type A and Type C fractures have good functional outcome when treated with locking compression plate especially in comminuted and osteoporotic fractures.