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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 11
The frequency of ABO, Rh Antigen, and Phenotypes, among Halanga Sudanese Ethnic Group
Abdelmahmoud Mokhtar Bashir, Abdelgadir Eltom
Published: Nov. 20, 2019 | 44 59
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i11.027
Pages: 3621-3625
Background: frequencies of blood groups differ between populations. Were the differences the result of random genetic drift and founder effects, in small populations which later multiplied and stabilized the original, fortuitous, frequencies? The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of ABO and Rh antigens and phenotypes among Elhalanga ethnic. Grou This prospective and analytical study, aimed to determine the frequency of ABO, Rh antigen, and phenotypes, among Halanga Sudanese Ethnic group. Also aims to establish ABO, Rh blood group baseline data for this Sudanese tribe to determine the similarity between this tribe and other Sudanese tribes which will be useful in the blood transfusion. Materials and Methods: the study was conducted in Sudan (Kassala state) during period of April to July 2007, followed informed consent, 100 unrelated volunteers from (Al Halanga) ethnic group of different ages of both gender.All samples were tested for Blood Grouping and Rh D antigen using the slide agglutination techniques, and the same samples tested for Rh C, c, E, e, and kell1 antigens by immunodiffusion gel technique. Result and Conclusions: The results showed that, The O group was most common frequently occurred (47%), followed by group A (28%), group B was found (22%) and least common was group AB (3%). The e, c, and the D antigens were the commonest alleles detected with frequencies of 96%, 91% and 82%, respectively. The C and the E antigens were the least frequent with 40% and 15% frequencies respectively. There was a marked similarities between the Sudanese tribes that lived in same geographical area this could be due to intermarriage , while the difference that seen in some tribes could be most probably due to the wandering nature of these tribes.