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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 11
Hamate Fracture Associated with A Fracture of the Base of the Fourth Metatarsal: A Case Report
Issa Fathi, El mehdi Ouissaden, Mohamed Kharmaz, Moulay omar Lamrani, Ahmed El Bardouni, Mustapha Mahfoud, Mohamed Saleh Berrada
Published: Nov. 24, 2019 | 43 50
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i11.045
Pages: 3707-3709
We report the case of a 28-year-old patient who present a hamatum body fracture associated with a comminuted fracture of the confirmed 4th metatarsal base by the scanner. The patient was operated the day after the trauma by double racking. The operation was performed under locoregional anesthesia, tourniquet at the root of the limb. A dorsal approach of 2 cm centered on the hamatum. After the reduction of the focus of fracture and its fixation by two pins 10 under the control of the image intensifier to ensure the correct position of the pins, after a process with a percutaneous racking of the base of the 4th metatarsal. The immobilization was ensured by a cuff splint for 3 months.