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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 11
A Study of Clinico Histopathological Correlation of Psoriasis
Dr. Sanna Nazir, Dr Mohammad Aamir Haleem
Published: Nov. 28, 2019 | 61 47
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i11.056
Pages: 3760-3765
Psoriasis is a chronic recurrent papulosquamous disease characterized by epidermal hyperplasia. It is a multifactorial disorder and has a polygenic inheritance. It is often believed to be initiated or exacerbated by stressful life event and is extremely variable in its duration and course. Aims: The aim was to correlate the clinical and histopathological features in typical and atypical forms of psoriasis and to establish the role of Age, Sex, Occupation, Environment Factors, Family history and other aggravating factors in causing psoriasis. Methods and Material: The present study comprises of 50 patients who were diagnosed with psoriasis on outpatient basis and were sent for histopathological examination (skin biopsy) to department of Pathology, Prathima institute of medical sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar over a period of 2 years. Prior ethical committee clearance was taken. Results: The incidence of psoriasis in our hospital was 1.3% of total outpatients with a mean age of 33.6 years and males being affected more than females mostly affecting scalp and showing effect of various factors. Not all cases showed characteristic features of psoriasis owing to variable disease activity and stage. Conclusions: Presence of varied and diverse clinical presentations of psoriasis are observed which are finally diagnosed by histopathological examination (Skin Biopsy). Histopathology also shows many diverse features depending on the stage of disease. This mandates correlation and combination between clinical and histopathological features for proper diagnosis viz-a-viz management of psoriasis while also considering various factors which affect disease progression