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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 11
Feto-Maternal Outcome in Patients with Heart Disease
Dr. Alakananda, Dr. Biva Rani Goswami, Dr. Mridusmita Das
Published: Nov. 30, 2019 | 44 49
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i11.061
Pages: 3784-3786
Background: Pregnancy has a profound effect on the cardiovascular system and is associated with a significant risk on maternal and fetal outcome. It has been reported that 0.2-2 % of all pregnancies are complicated by cardiovascular disease. Objective: To study feto-maternal outcome in patients with heart disease. Methodology: A total of 70 cases with known or newly diagnosed cases of heart disease were enrolled in this hospital based observational study. Results: In the present study, the incidence of cardiac disease was 0.6%. Majority i.e 41 (58.6%) were of 20-25 years of age, 44 (62.9%) were primigravida, 31.4% cases were unbooked, 60 cases (85.7%) were in NYHA I and NYHA II. The principal cause of heart disease was Rheumatic heart disease i.e 65.7 % while congenital heart disease was 24.3 %. Cardiomyopathy constituted 5.7%. Majority i.e 52.9% had vaginal delivery while 12.9% had instrumental delivery. There were 4 maternal deaths. Perinatal mortality was 7.1%. Conclusion: Cardiac disease in pregnancy is a high risk condition which has major impact on pregnancy and its outcome. Early detection, treatment, proper follow up and correction prior to pregnancy shall improve the outcome.