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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 04
Study of Radiation Therapy Treatment Effect of Palliative Metastic Breast Cancer (PMBC) using Symptoms Improvement Ratio
Lara Abdelmunim IA, Mohamed E .Gar Elanabi and Nahla gafer
Published: April 30, 2019 | 86 65
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i04.003
Pages: 1373-1379
The study examined the association between Palliative radiotherapy and the improvement of the symptoms associated with metastatic breast cancer. These include metastatic in the spinal cord and associated pain, brain metes and associated symptoms, bone metes, metastic in the lung and finally spread in organs such as liver and others. The study also dealt with the connection between it and the improvement of the standard of life of the patient and toxic and other important factors and was achieved through a set of international standards questionnaire by which the calibration of the result. The value of radiotherapy for palliation is well known to oncologists but not necessarily to other physicians .Using terms such as symptom improvement ratio (SIR) than traditional response rates might be more appropriate in describing the benefits of palliative radiotherapy to other health care professionals. Late detection and spread of the disease in the late stages of breast cancer due to proliferation causes multiple symptoms this study was conducted in the center of tumors treatment in Sudan, represented in Khartoum oncology Hospital (RICK) in the period 2014 to 2017. The findings support the hypothesis that radiotherapy is an effective treatment for a proportion of patients with MBC related pain, with 35% of assessable patients experiencing a clinically meaningful improvement in their pain. Of these, 12.5% had a complete improvement in their pain. There were no specific features that differentiated the complete responders from the other n patient’s. Though this may be due to the small number of complete responders. There was no association between pain response and improvement in any other symptoms, therefore, palliative radiotherapy in MBC should only be considered for pain control.