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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 04
Post-Vaccination Bullouspemphigoid in Infants: A New Case
Mejouar A, Hali F, Baline K, Bahtaoui W, Elfatoiki FZ, Marnissi F, Chiheb S
Published: April 30, 2019 | 68 40
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i04.040
Pages: 1566-1569
Introduction: Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an acquired autoimmune disease that primarily affects the elderly. It is considered rare in children, even less so in infants during the first six months of life. Bullous pemphigoid infantile post-vaccination is a rare presentation. We report a new case. Case report: A 2-month-old girl who presented two days after vaccination (hepatitis B, DPT, poliomyelitis, hemophilus, rotavirus, and pneumococcus) initially had a palmar-plantar vesiculobullous rash and thighs. The examination revealed multiple vesicles and tight bubbles resting on an erythematous and urticarial base, the presence of post-bullous erosions dry in places, the sign of Nikolsky was negative. Lesions affecting the whole body, the face, the scalp, the palms, the soles of the feet and then the oral and genital mucosa without any sign of infection. The diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid has been confirmed in histology. After steroid resistance, the patient was treated with immunoglobulin with a good response. Conclusion: It is difficult to prove that there is a genuine relationship between vaccination and the occurrence of bullous pemphigoid in infants. This is probably a pure coincidence justifying the continuation of the vaccination schedule. Nevertheless, it is important to know this clinical entity to be able to carry out an adequate treatment and to avoid any aggravation.