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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 04
Surface Mycoses in Patients under Chemotherapy at the Avicenne Military Hospital of Marrakech
Ahroui Y, Essadi I, Ait ouzdi Z, Zemrani Y, El Mezouari E. Moutaj R
Published: April 30, 2019 | 74 49
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i04.055
Pages: 1639-1642
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of superficial cutaneous mycosis in patients undergoing chemotherapy followed at the oncology unit of Avicenne Marrakech Military Hospital. Analyze the factors favoring their occurrence. Patients and methods: We report a cross-sectional prospective study, including 75 patients from the oncology unit of the Avicenne Marrakech MilitaryHospitalundergoingchemotherapy (all tumorsincluded). Clinical and mycologicalexaminations are performed in these patients, involving 8 locations. Results: On all patients included wenoted a predominance of the male sexwith a sex ratio H / F of 1.5. The averageage of the patients was 56.8 years. The risk factors selected are corticosteroids, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and diabetes. The nails and the dander are by far the most collected locations; these two sites represent more than 90% of all samples, the direct examination was positive for 20 samples (58.9%), while the culture was positive for 18 samples (53%). Dermatophytes were the most common group of agents with 83.3%. Then came in second position the yeasts with 16.7%. The crop has revealed different species. Trichophyton rubrum is the most incriminated species; this dermatophyte was found in 12 cultures or 66.6%. Conclusion: Given these results, it is therefore important to undertake specific measures of prophylactic and curative control against MCS for improving the comfort of life of patients on chemotherapy.