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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Determination of the active chemical compounds in the stem bark of Vitex trifolia Linn.
Resmi Mustarichie, Danni Ramdhani, Nyi Mekar Saptarini, Supriyatna and Anas Subarnas
Published: Feb. 28, 2013 | 205 135
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 36-40
Vitex trifolia Linn. is known as a plant with compounds having antioxidant and anticancer activity. The current repot was conducted to isolate the stem bark of this plant in ethanol fraction. Ethanol extract concentrated and dissolved in ethyl acetate, extracted with 5% NaHCO3, washed with NaOH three times, and then concentrated. Ethyl acetate extract fraction that had been further concentrated and separated by chromatography column, and purified by recrystallization. From the results obtained recrystallized fraction 12th and 13th. Examination of this fraction by proton 1 H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR Spectrometer, and mass spectometer and comparison with existing literature, it can be concluded that this study succeeded in obtaining the β-sitosterol crystals and crystal mixture of aromatic compounds and β- sitosterol.