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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-3 | Issue-09
The Mortality Rate in Paediatric ICU at Benghazi children hospital
Abdelhamid. A. Shaki, Mohamed. M. Alferjani, Najat. B. Elgazal, Muftah. A. ELFeituri
Published: Sept. 29, 2017 | 213 106
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm
Pages: 233-235
To determine the incidence of death in PICU and causes of deaths. The study carried out at AFCH in 12 months duration from1/4/2006 -31/3/2007. We looked to the files once the patients die and try to diagnose the causes of deaths. Age, gender and their residency where also determined. Total admission to medical units were 8782 and PICU admissions were 1322 which calculates 15% of total medical admissions Total number of deaths in PICU were 95 patients which has the incidence of 7.2% .49 (52%) of patients were infants. Male to female ratio was 1.6 : 1 .Causes of deaths *Cardiac causes and infection 23 (24%) of patents * Cental nervous system and infection 16 (17%) of patients *Oncology and Haematology 15 (16%) patients. *GIT and malnutrition 10 (10.5%) of patients. * Respiratory causes 9 (9.5%) of patients. * Sepsis, Metabolic, Renal and Other causes contributes 22 (23%) of patients.22 (23%) of cases died in the first 24 hours of their admission. The congenital heart disease, centeral nervous system and malignancies are the leadin cause of deaths. So the prevention and treatment of infection in addition of early surgical intervention in cardiac cases can safe a lot of babies. Primary health care and establishement of IMCI will help to decrease the incidence of deaths in children under five of age