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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Drug Targeting By Erythrocytes: A Carrier System
Kumar Vishal Saurabh, Srishty Rani, Shweta Rani, A. Kesari
Published: Feb. 28, 2013 | 215 236
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 144-156
Carrier erythrocytes is resealed erythrocytes loaded by a drug or by other therapeutic Agents, have been exploited extensively in recent years for both temporally and spatially controlled delivery of a wide variety of drugs and other bioactive agent sowing to their remarkable degree of biocompatible, biodegradability and a series of potential advantages. Biopharmaceuticals, therapeutically significant peptides and proteins, nucleic acid-based biological, antigens and vaccines, are among the recently focused pharmaceuticals for being delivered using carrier erythrocytes. In this articles the potential application of erythrocytes in drug deliver drug deliver have been reviewed with a particular stress on the studies and laboratory experiences on successful erythrocyte loading and characterization of different classes of drugs.