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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 08
Effects of Headphones Usage on Hearing of Medical Students of Western Rajasthan
Rukmini Sharma, Rajendra K.Teharia, N. C. Purohit
Published: Aug. 25, 2019 | 74 47
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i08.017
Pages: 2715-2717
Background: Hearing loss specially noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is very common among population and continuously increasing due to exposure to loud noise specially chronic headphones usage. Objects: This study was conducted to get the effects of headphones usage on hearing and creates awareness regarding hearing loss due to chronic exposure of loud sound through head phones usage. Materials and methods: A total 1200 Students from Jodhpur medical college and S.N Medical college were chosen and divided into 3 groups 400 each. Group A had habits of earphones usage more than 3 hours a day and group B is less than 3hours a day and groups C not using headphones at all. All the groups were subjected to Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and got Audiograms. Results: This study revealed high frequency loss in 10.5% of students in group A and 5% only in group B. No students affected in group C. Group A and B students were completely refrained from headphones usage then after 6 months repeated PTA obtained ,which showed that 4% in group A and only 1% in group B had permanent hearing loss. Conclusion: This study showed that prolonged use of earphones especially for music is harmful to the ears and effects may be permanent if prolonged exposure is continuous. This can be prevented by creating awareness and educational programs especially in student’s community.