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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 08
Coverage with Adequately Iodized Salt and Practices Affecting Iodine Content of Salt at Household Level in Shimla City
Dr. Amit Sachdeva, Dr. Anmol Gupta, Dr. Devender Kumar, Dr. Prem Lal, Dr. Resham, Dr. Saurabh, Dr.Nidhi, Dr.Priyanka
Published: Aug. 29, 2019 | 57 44
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i08.034
Pages: 2797-2802
Background: Iodine deficiency is an important public health problem throughout the world. Globally, 2 billion people are at a risk of Iodine Deficiency diseases (IDD) due to insufficient iodine intake. Objectives of the present study were to find the percentage of households consuming adequately iodized salt in Shimla city, to assess the knowledge regarding benefits of iodized salt use, iodine deficiency diseases etc and the storage and cooking practices with respect to the current use of iodized salt. Material & Methods: This household survey conducted from November 2018 through April 2019 among population residing in all 25 wards under Municipal corporation area of Shimla City. Proportionate households from all 25 wards were interviewed. The salt was tested for iodine using rapid iodine test MBI kits. Various Factors related to use of iodized salt like type of salt used, storage & cooking practices, knowledge regarding benefits of iodized salt and iodine deficiency disorders were assessed. The data was collected using pre-tested questionnaire and analyzed by using Epi info version 7 software. Results: A total of 394 households had been surveyed and the coverage of adequately iodized salt was found to be 96.20%. In the survey 87.6 % respondents had heard about iodine, More than half don’t have much knowledge about iodized salt while only half were aware of importance of iodized salt .73.60% were using air tight plastic container for storage of salt and 71.75% were keeping salt container within 2-4 feet from stoves/gas chulha. Boiling (66 %) was the most common cooking practice and 77.66% were adding salt at the starting time while gravy preparation. Per capita salt consumption was found to be 8.98±2.35 gm. Conclusions: IEC regarding proper storage and cooking practices and the benefits of iodized salt are recommended to increase community awareness and to bring in positive attitude toward utilization of iodized salt.