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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-12
Growth of Clarias Gariepinus Juveniles Reared in Soilless Tanks in the Republic of Congo
Alexis Jonas Ognika, Lucien Menga, Raissa Annick Ebengo Gnanga, Parisse Akouango, Adelin Wally Ombouekoulou
Published: Dec. 4, 2022 | 335 244
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2022.v09i12.001
Pages: 204-213
The present study was conducted to assess the growth of Clarias gariépinus fingerlings introduced in Congo to improve local fish production. Fish farming is part of the concerns of the Congolese government to improve food security and savings of fish farmers. The objective of the study was to evaluate the growth of Clarias gariepinus juveniles reared in above ground tanks. A total of 60 juveniles of Clarias gariepinus of average weight (17±0.5g) were divided into two tanks. The following results were obtained: final average weights, weight gains, daily average gains and specific growth rate of fish from tank 1 (77.78± 21.74g); (61.25g); (2.04g/d); (2.24%g/d); those of fish from tank 2 of (68.45±15.48g); (50.38g); (1.68g/d); (1.93%g/d). As for the survival rates, they were (76.76%) for tank 1 and (66.66%) for tank 2. It was found that the fish in tank 1 had a significantly high survival rate, average final weight and weight gain (p ˂0.05) compared to the fish in tank 2. The study showed a good level of growth of Clarias gariépinus juveniles in artificial environment with an ability to adapt to the environmental conditions of the country.