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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Use of Response Surface Methodology for Optimising Raw Sorghum Proportion in Barley Malt Wort Production
Malomo Olu, Adekoyeni,O.O, Oluwajoba,S.O., and Alamu, E.A
Published: March 30, 2013 | 197 160
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 247-251
A D-optimal design of response surface methodology (RSM) was used to develop a mathematical model for the optimisation of the proportion of raw sorghum adjunct in barley malt wort production with the use of ceremix (commercial enzyme). The responses investigated included filtration, dry weight extract, viscosity, total soluble nitrogen and free amino nitrogen. The results obtained ranged between 106.32-140.09m/s, 294.71-317.62 (1°/kg), 1.34-1.40cP, 288.06-542.28mg/l, and 57.15-101.30mg/l respectively. The variation in the levels of proportion of sorghum adjunct and barley malt affected the quality of the wort. The model for the filtration and viscosity were quadratic while others were lineal. The predicted solution for the optimisation is the use of 48.11g of barley malt and 50.00g of sorghum adjunct