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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 08
Isolated Dislocation of the Carpal Scaphoid: An Exceptional Case Report
Issa Fathi, El mehdi Ouissaden, Ahmed El Bardouni, Mustapha Mahfoud, ET Mohamed Saleh Berrada
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 | 72 50
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i08.046
Pages: 2862-2864
Isolated dislocation of the carpal scaphoid is a rare and exceptional carpal lesion. We report a case of radiopalmary dislocation isolated from the scaphoid, diagnosed on clinical and radiological elements. The treatment consisted of posterior open reduction and fixation with two Kischner pins under image intensifier control with plaster immobilization for 45 days. The evolution, at 2 years of decline, is favorable with a total recovery of the function of the wrist.