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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 08
Effect of Oral Administration of Cherry and/or Pomegranate Juices on Metabolic and Genetic Consequences in Obese Rats
Nourhan Gamal EL-Rahmany, Mai Elsayed and Fatma Abd EL-Hamid Khalil
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 | 44 44
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i08.050
Pages: 2878-2893
The present study was designed to investigate the effect of oral administration of cherry and/or pomegranate juices on obesity associated metabolic disturbances .High fat high sucrose diet (HFHS) was used to induce obesity, experimental groups were; healthy control (G1), obese control (G2), cherry (G3), pomegranate (G4),mix (G5) and chromium (G6) groups. The results showed that oral administration of cherry and pomegranate juices significantly reduced body weight and visceral adipose tissue size, also reduced adipocytokines level (interleukin-6, calprotectin, afamin, and visfatin).Obesity caused significant elevation in serum glucose, insulin and leptin levels which is associated with elevated insulin resistance index, while administration of juices reversed these elevations. Moreover, they caused amelioration of antioxidant status by reducing malondialdyde (MDA) level and elevating reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration in liver tissue. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that juices supplementation modulated the gut microbiota composition, decreasing the proportion of firmicutes to bacteroides with significant modulation in fecal short chain fatty acids production as compared to obese control group. In addition, obesity caused a significant increase in steroyl regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) mRNA expression level and reduction in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) mRNA expression level in liver tissue also; it caused a significant increase in serum pancreatic lipase and α-amylase activities with disrupted lipid profile levels. However, juices treatment down regulated hepatic gene expression of SREBP and up-regulated PPAR expression, decreased pancreatic lipase and α-amylase activities along with decreasing serum lipid profile. Meanwhile, administration of juices reduced the visceral fat thickness and mean adipocyte diameter that increased in obese rats. The present results concluded that administration of juices with HFHS diet achieved