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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Industrial Important Microbial alpha-Amylase on Starch-Converting Process
Vengadaramana A
Published: March 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 209-221
In this review properties and industrial application of microbial α-amylase produced by bacteria and fungi are
discussed. α-Amylases are among the most important enzymes and are of great significance in industrially and ability to
hydrolysing starch and related saccharides. The properties of amylolytic enzymes usually reflect the characteristics of the
environment occupied by the living organism. α-Amylases are produced by microorganisms using submerged and solid
state fermentation technique. The kinetic properties of α-amylase such as optimum temperature, optimum pH and
thermostability are important in the development of fermentation process. Calcium ions are essential for activity and
stability of α-amylases.