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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Snake Bite Problem in India: An Overview
J.K. Lalla,Sunita Ogale,Priyanka Goswami, Zaid Temrikar, Geeta Talele
Published: March 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 252-259
Snakebite is a medically and socially significant issue in India. Even in the 21st century India still is an
agrarian country. Indian farmers are vulnerable to snake attacks as they mostly work bare foot with limited protection.
There are currently seven pharmaceutical laboratories in India which produce anti-venom against four medically
important Indian snake species Cobra (Naja sp.), Krait (Bungarus sp.), Russell‘s viper (Daboiarusselii) and Sawscaled
viper (Echiscarinatus sp.), the ‗big four‘ further exasperates the situation. The price is also out of reach of most people.
In this Review article we are highlighting about the fact that India has the worst snakebite problem in the world, largely
affecting poor people and children from rural communities & in India there is need for superior techniques for making
anti- venoms.