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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
An Observational Study to Evaluate in General Anesthesia Effectiveness of Nebulized Ketamine in Different Doses to Decrease the Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat
Dr. Rakesh Ranjan Singh, Dr. Ashmita Kiran
Published: Dec. 6, 2019 | 68 87
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.004
Pages: 3853-3855
Objective and AIM: 21%–65% of patients suffers from Postoperative sore throat (POST). The aim of this study is to see the effectiveness of nebulized ketamine in different doses to decrease the severity of postoperative sore throat in general anesthesia patients. Material and Method: 150 patients of ASA physical status Classes I and II undergoing surgery under general anesthesia and who’s age group of 18–60 years, of either sex were selected for this observational trial done at tertiary care teaching hospital in katihar, Bihar. Patients had nebulized with 5 ml solution (Group K1 – 1 ml of ketamine [50 mg/ml] +4 ml normal saline, Group K2 – 0.5 ml of ketamine [50 mg/ml] +4.5 normal saline, and Group S – 5 ml normal saline). Postoperative hemodynamic monitoring along with Preoperative, intraoperative were done. At 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h postoperatively, the POST monitoring was done. A four-point scale (0–3) was graded on POST. ANOVA test using INDOSTAT software and Chi-square test using MSTAT software for POST for hemodynamics were used in this study. Results: In the present study 29.33% was the overall incidence of POST. 46% (23/50) was observed to be the incidence of POST in Group S. Intraoperative vital signs were more stable at all time intervals where as in Group K2, it was 22% (11/50) (P ≤ 0.05) and In Group K1, the incidence was 20% (10/50). Conclusion: In preventing POST,. both doses (25 and 50 mg) of nebulized ketamine were almost equally effective with no adverse effects as observed in our study.