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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
“Evaluation and Monitoring of Labour by Who Modified Partograph”
Dr. Biva Rani Goswami, Dr. Purashree Sarma, Dr. Richa Agrawal
Published: Dec. 9, 2019 | 69 79
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.009
Pages: 3870-3875
Partograph is an irreplaceable tool in the labour management, and serves as an “early warning system”, detects and prevents deviation from normal progress of labour, and ensures that proper intervention is taken in due course of time. The main objectives of the study was to compare the labour outcome, indicated by the mode of delivery, duration of labour, need for labour augmentation, neonatal outcome assessed by neonatal APGAR scores, and any maternal complications between the two groups. This was a hospital-based randomised, prospective comparative study. 600 Patients with uncomplicated term pregnancies with single live fetus in vertex presentation were included in the study. Results were compared between 600 cases (Study group), where labour was monitored with WHO Partograph and 600 cases (Control group), where labour was monitored without any Partograph. There was a significant increase in the rate of spontaneous vaginal delivery rate (p value<0.0001) in the study group, whereas duration of labour and need for labour augmentation were significantly reduced in the study group (p value<0.001). A significant reduction in the rate of Caesarean section in study group (p value<0.001). Fetal outcome was better in the study group, assessed by APGAR score at 1 minute and 5minutes of birth and need for NICU admissions. There was a significant reduction in the maternal morbidity in the study group, indicated by postpartum haemorrhage, wound complications. Therefore, WHO Partograph is an inexpensive but golden tool in modern obstetrics.