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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
Adult Onset Stills Disease A Rare Case Presentation
Dr. Chaitrali Gawde, Dr. Jeyhan Dhabhar, Dr. Vishavdeep Jain, Dr. U N Deshpande
Published: Dec. 11, 2019 | 74 75
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.010
Pages: 3876-3878
Adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is a rare systemic inflammatory disorder, its etiology remains elusive till date. This disease is typically characterized by a clinical triad of quotidian high-grade fever, evanescent rash and arthritis. The biological triad of hyperferritinemia, leucocytosis with neutrophilia and abnormal liver function test is noted. There are no specific diagnostic tests for AOSD, so the diagnosis of AOSD remains one of exclusion. We present a case of a 16 year female who presented to us with persistent fever since 2 months and other constitutional symptoms she was worked up for the same and was diagnosed to have AOSD based on Yamuguchi criteria after exclusion of other potential diagnosis – she was started on an NSAID, steroid and methotrexate, following which she showed a gradual and sustained response. She is on regular follow up, symptom free.