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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
Cross Sectional Study of Hypertension among Patients Attending the Urban Health Centre of Tertiary Care Hospital
Dr. Subodh Kanchi, Dr. Padmaja Kanchi
Published: Dec. 16, 2019 | 64 66
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.021
Pages: 3929-3932
Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for non-communicable diseases burden in India. It is often called as the “Silent Killer”. We conducted a study to find out the magnitude of hypertension in an urban slum community; as such attempt was never done before. Aim: To analyse the magnitude of hypertension in the urban slum community. Objectives: -1) To find out relationship of Hypertension with increasing age. 2) To find out relation between hypertension & addictions namely, smoking and alcoholism. Materials and Methods: We had conducted a Cross-sectional study of Hypertension among patients above the age of 30 years visiting the general outpatient department at the urban health centre of a tertiary care hospital. A pre formed, semi structured proforma was developed and got it validated. Consents of the participants were taken. Result: We found out that 57.15% women and 46.15% men were hypertensive in total 109 participants. In our study, we found strong relation between advancing age and development of hypertension. Out of 32 participants who were smokers, 59.38% (19) were hypertensive showing positive correlation of smoking and hypertension. Out of 53 tobacco addicts, 66.04% (35) were hypertensive. Out of 20 participants who were alcoholics, 70% (14) individuals were hypertensive. There should be continuing IEC and BCC activities to reduce the onset of incidence and prevent the complications of hypertension.