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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-04
In-vitro Micropropagation and antimicrobial activity of Chrysanthemum indicum
G.Rajalakshmi, S. Komathi, Banu Raviganesh, N. Poongodi and T. Sasikala
Published: April 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 285-288
Plants have been an important source of medicine for thousands of years. The World Health Organization
estimates that up to 80% of people use plants which has traditional remedies such as herbs. Chrysanthemum indicum is
an important medicinal plant spreading widely in most part of the world, belonging to the Family- Compositae. Almost
all of its parts are used in Ayurvedic and modern systems of medicine, leaves and flowers are the most important part in
the field of medicine and drug. In the present study, in vitro regeneration and antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts were
carried out. The plant was found to possess antibacterial activity against some of the pathogens