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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
Caesarean Section -Incidence, Indications and Outcome at Tertiary Care Hospital
Tatapudi S.V. Parvathi Devi, Vidyadhar Bangal, Janhavi Palnitkar, Pratik Kakani
Published: Dec. 20, 2019 | 60 75
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.027
Pages: 3960-3965
Introduction: Caesarean section (CS) rates have been increasing worldwide and have caused concerns. For meaningful comparisons to be made, World Health Organization recommends the use of the Ten-Group Robson classification as the global standard for assessing CS rates. Objectives: To find out the incidence, indications for C-Section (Robsons’s classification) and associated maternal& perinatal outcome. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study of 2 years period from 1st September 2017 to 30 August 2019 .One thousand cases of cesarean sections performed at Rural Medical College , Loni were compiled using Robsons’s classification and analyzed. Results: Out of total 19,566 deliveries, 6093 were total caesarean sections of which 4108 were primary caesarean sections,resulting in overall rate of caesarean section of 31% and that of primary caesarean section of 21%.Previous LSCS (32.1%),Pre-eclampsia (10.8%), CPD (9.6%), and Breech (6.2%) were the common indications for caesarean section. Majority (48.24%) of women in the study belonged to Robson’s group I. Robson’s group V contributed highest number of CS in the present study (32.1%).Maternal Mortality was (0.4%) and maternal morbidity was (3.1%) in the study group.Neonatal morbidity was (11.9%) and neonatal mortality was (2.1%). Conclusion: High rate of Caesarean deliveries was attributed to repeat caesarean section, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, severe pre-eclampsia ,abnormal presentations, failed induction.Proper selection of cases for caesarean section, judicious induction, trial of vaginal delivery in previous caesarean section and breech presentation, careful intra-partum monitoring using partograph, use of labour protocols, practice of evidenced-based obstetrics and caesarean audits in the institution can help in reducing the caesarean section rates.