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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
The Effectiveness between Propanolol and Flunarizine in Migraine Treatment
Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan, Ismail Khan, Dr. Tahreema Salam, Dr. Methila Sharmin
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 | 50 55
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.056
Pages: 4108-4112
Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness between propanolol and flunarizine in migraine treatment. Methods: This randomized single blind cross over clinical trial was conducted at Department of Pharmacology, Dhaka medical college, Dhaka from July 2016 to June 2017. During the study, adult 64 migraine sufferers (without aura) attending in the Out Patient Department of neurology (Headache clinic), Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. All data were recorded systematically in data collection form. One half of the samples were randomly allocated for group A and the other half to group B. Group A: 32 patients will be allocated for the prophylaxis of propranolol. Group B: 32 patients will be allocated for the prophylaxis of flunarizine. Results: During the study, the different commonest sites of the headache of both groups. Other than both temple and right back of the scalp, all presenting sites of headache of both groups showed statistically non-significant differences. The most common presenting site of both groups were behind the right eye, behind the left eye, right temple, left temple, back of the scalp on right and left and back of scalp on both sides. Factors Stress (50%) vs. 53.12%), bright light (75% vs. 75%), loud noise (68.75% vs. 71.87%), and weather change (40.62% vs. 34.37%), were the most common precipitating factors of both groups. Conclusion: From our study we can say that, Migraine is a disabling and costly disorder. There is no cure, but preventive treatment to decrease the number and severity of headache attacks improves health outcomes and quality of life. The patients who received Propranolol had better outcome than those who were under flunarizine both in 1st and 2nd phase the trial. Further study is needed for better outcome.