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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 12
Neurocysticercosis: Clinical Feature, Diagnostic and Current therapeutic Strategies
Dr. D.Tiwari, Dr. Ajay Singh Rajput
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 | 60 64
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i12.057
Pages: 4113-4118
Background: Neurocycticercosis is the most common parasitic disease of the central nervous system caused by larval forms (cysticercus cellulosae) of cestode tapeworm, taenia solium. It is the most common cause of focal seizure in india and several other endemic countries. Despite Several Immunologic test, neuroimaging remain the main diagnostic test. Seizure is the most common clinical manifestation of neurocysticercosis. There is also controversy regarding management of seizure but there is emerging evidence that albendazole may be beneficial for patient by reducing the no. of seizure. Material and Method: All cases aged more than 12 yrs admitted in dept. of neurology or attending Neurology OPD, JAH and GRMC, Gwalior are the subjects of the study. Conclusion: Focal Seizures are the most common clinical manifestation of neurocycticercosis. Seizures are reported to occur in 70 to 90% of patients with neurocysticercosis. Other symptoms include headache and focal neurological deficits. The lesions of neurocysticercosis can present as single or multiple, although multiple is less common. The single cyst infection (47.7% - 53.4%), is the most common manifestation in Indian subcontinent. Diagnosis is done by clinical, radiological and immunological methods. Serological diagnosis is done by complement fixation test, indirect haemagglutination tests and ELISA. A newer gold standard test is enzyme linked immunoelectron transfer blot (ELITB) assay which is done with CSF or serum samples based on seven glycoproteins specific to the pathogen. Western blot assay have also been developed for diagnosis of NCC. Neuroimaging studies are done using MRI Brain which is used to differentiate various stages of the parasite. CT Brain is helpful to detect calcified lesion. Initial management of neurocysticercosis is done with albendzole and praziquentel. Antiepileptic drug will be given till granuloma has resolved on follow up imaging.