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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Development and Evaluation of Floating Pulsatile Microspheres of Metoprolol Tartrate Using Emulsification-Solvent Evaporation Technique
Shivhare U. D, Rathod H. D., Mathur V. B
Published: May 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 365-372
The purpose of present work was to develop Metoprolol tartrate microspheres for floating pulsatile release
intended for chronopharmacotherapy. Floating pulsatile concept was applied to increase the gastric residence of the
dosage form having lag phase followed by a burst release. The floating pulsatile microspheres were prepared by
emulsification solvent evaporation technique. The best batch exhibited excellent floating time as well as release at
desired time. The particle size was controlled by changing polymer concentration and emulsifier concentration. Polymers
used for the preparation were Eudragit L 100 and Eudragit S 100. The floating microspheres provided two phase release
pattern with initial lag time during floating in acidic medium followed by rapid release in phosphate buffer. This
approach suggested the use of floating pulsatile microsphere as promising drug delivery for site and time specific release
of Metoprolol tartrate for chronotheraphy of hypertension