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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-05
A Case Report of Palmer-Planter Erythrodysesthesia Syndrome (Hand-Foot Syndrome) Due To 5-Fluorouracil in Oncology Department at Tertiary Care Hospital
Dr. Reena P, Dr. Darshan D, Dr. Ajita P
Published: May 30, 2013 | 242 256
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 373-374
Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE; hand-foot syndrome) associated with cancer chemotherapeutic agents is seen. A 40 year old female was diagnosed with stage-II cholangiocarcinoma prescribed 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) 1gm I.V. bolus infusion. She developed redness of palms, fingers and soles associated with pain, followed by peeling of skin of fingers. Clinician diagnosed this as a case of palmer-planter dysesthesia syndrome (hand-foot syndrome) due to 5- FU. She recovered within 7 days of drug withdrawal. Palmer-planter dysesthesia syndrome (hand-foot syndrome) is particularly associated with continuous infusion of 5-FU but here it is seen with bolus infusion. Precise mechanism which leads to onset of PPE is largely unknown. The definite causal relationship is difficult to establish, as rechallenge with suspected drug was not done