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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-11
Premiums of Professional Registration in Engineering Practice for Technological Advancement
Obuka Nnaemeka S. P, Ani Ndubuisi J
Published: Nov. 15, 2019 | 207 106
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i11.002
Pages: 284-290
This paper makes an overview of the numerous dividends and premiums derived from engineering as a profession practiced by engineering professionals producing innovations and technological advancements. Engineering provides solutions to the needs of the society and nature through scientific theories, mathematics and technological tools. Having a basic university degree in Engineering is not enough to make an Engineer a professional. The engineering profession, as with other professions, is a vocation or occupation based upon specialized education and training, as providers of professional advice and services under a professional body governed with ethics, codes and standards. Professional engineering is extending the physical and economic capacity of the society by enhancing the reach of society’s components and capabilities of its members, and by creating new methods and instruments for agriculture, the production of goods, communication, defence, offence, exploration of space and the oceans, and of the preservation and utilization of nature’s resources from land to energy, water and materials. Technological innovation is not complete without engineering knowledge of mathematics and science. Solutions of societal problems require that these technologies be applied in innovative ways with consideration of cultural differences, historical perspective, economic constraints and others.