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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-12
A Review of Key Factors Driving Development of Clean Technology
Olusoyi Richard Ashaye, Husam Helmi Alharahsheh
Published: Dec. 20, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i12.001
Pages: 327-333
The paper explores and investigates key perceptions and definitions of clean technology, historical perspectives associated with the development of clean technology, different categories of clean technology such as energy Efficiency and renewable Energy, key enablers and barriers to the development of clean technology, as well as the impact of clean tech applications. The research is based on reviewing the available literature in the filed as well as inclusion of different academic and professional publications to enhance application, and wider awareness of the development. Findings presented key issues associated with development and adoption of technology that mitigate climate change such as negative externalities of climate change, knowledge spill overs, the scale of adoption, path dependency, principal-agent problems and behavioural change. The growing economy is regarded as an incremental strength of clean tech sector. Furthermore, the impact of clean tech would vary significantly depending on the industry and geographical area. Furthermore, countries should be more focused on giving priority to cleantech sector investment in order to drive the future economic growth.