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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-12
Efficient Callus and Shoot Induction Protocol from Leaf and Node Explants of Javanese Ginseng (Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn.)
Ratih Restiani, Anggel Christia Dolonseda, Sarah Mega Pratenna Kaban, Cindy Talenta Hutabarat, Astrid Ayu Sekar, Florencia Angel Meliana, Matthew Linardi, Nigel Verrell, Angelita Abri Berliani KY
Published: Dec. 8, 2022 | 408 351
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2022.v09i12.003
Pages: 223-231
This present study was carried out to determine an efficient and reproducible callus and shoot induction protocol of Talinum paniculatum by using leaf and node explants. Explants were cultured in MS medium supplemented with a combination and concentration 2,4-D and kinetin (0, 1, 2, 3 mgL-1) in single or combination treatment for 14 days. The best response of callus and shoot induction (100%) and the fastest callus (6,0 ± 2,31 days) and shoot induction (5,0 ± 1,15 days) from leaf explants were obtained from MS medium supplemented with (1 mgL-1 2,4-D and 1 mgL-1 kinetin) and (3 mgL-1 2,4-D and 1 mgL-1 kinetin) respectively. In the case of node explants, none of calli were produced, whereas the best response of shoot induction (100%) and the fastest shoot induction (4,0 ± 0 days) were obtained from MS medium supplemented with 3 mgL-1 kinetin. Callus produced from leaf explant has a bright yellow color and friable texture. The optimized protocol of callus and shoot induction for Talinum paniculatum plant could be used effectively for mass propagation to fulfill the demand of the pharmaceutical industry as well as for its cultivation.