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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Community Pharmacy in Warri, Nigeria – A Survey of Practice Details
Adje, D. U, Oli, A N
Published: May 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 391-397
Activities of community pharmacists could have a profound impact on the health of the public.
Knowledge of routine daily activities of community pharmacists could can be harnessed to ensure optimum and safer
service delivery. The objectives of the present work is to identify activities that community pharmacists actually perform;
to explore variables that influence the pattern and peculiarities of community pharmacy practice in the Nigerian setting.
The methods involved A survey of all pharmacies in the study area was done using a pre- tested self reporting
questionnaire. It was observed that of the 57 community pharmacies that met the inclusion criteria, the open drug markets
were a major source of drug stock for 25 ( 43.86%). 42% of pharmacies received prescriptions from nearby government
hospitals only “ Occasionally”. 19% had never received a prescription from any private hospital .Only 14% admitted that
they administer injections quite often in their practice. 98.2 % of pharmacists admitted making prescription drugs
recommendations to their clients. It can be concluded that community pharmacists are involved in a broad range of
health promotion activities. Injection administration and recommendation of prescription drugs are activities that could
impact negatively on public health. Lack of prescriptions from hospitals and clinics, low aggregate turnover and a
chaotic drug distribution channel are factors contributing to such practices