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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Application of Resistivity Survey Method in Landslide Investigations along Mettupalayam to Coonoor Highway, Nilgiris District, Tamilnadu, India
Ganesh. R, Gowtham. B, Manivel. T, Senthilkumar. S and Sundrarajan. M
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 | 161 83
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2017.v05i11.009
Pages: 661-667
A geophysical survey has been conducted in the study area in particular locations where the landslide is reported during the year 2007. A landslide occurred after heavy rainfall in a rock consisting of a succession of rock layer which was fractured. Electrical resistivity survey is carried out to obtain the characterization and quantification of the weathered zone in the region along Mettupalayam to Coonoor highway. The geophysical survey data analysis clearly shows, the thickness of top soil and depthness of weathering which are most vulnerable for landsliding. Fractured zones are encountered in the south-eastern part of the study region at depth of 10 to 30m with the resistivity 120-250 Ω-m.