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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-02
On the Analytical Solutions of the Oblique Shock Wave Equation
R.C. Mehta
Published: Feb. 28, 2018 | 216 123
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i02.004
Pages: 64-70
The present paper presents algebraic, analytical, approximate and iterative solutions and characteristics of oblique shock wave equation in a supersonic freestream. A closed-form solution of the cubic polynomial equation is having real and conjugate complex roots and associates with strong and weak shock wave. For known initial conditions and shock wave angle, upstream conditions can be obtained through careful application of the oblique shock wave table. But a numerical method is convenient as compared to oblique shock wave’s graphs or tables for preliminary designing of high-speed vehicle. A numerical algorithm is developed based on the closed-form solution that can easily employ for rapid calculations of oblique shock wave angle. A computer program is written in FORTRAN language and compiled and executed on Linux to compute the oblique shock wave angle β. The exact solution of the oblique shock equation in terms of tanβ is obtained to compute oblique shock wave angle for given upstream flow conditions. The objective of the present study is to numerically evaluate shock wave angle and for the known entering Mach number.