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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Sustainability Status of Solar PV Projects in Nepal
Ram Prasad Dhital, Tri Ratna Bajracharya, Rajendra Shrestha
Published: April 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i04.002
Pages: 111-118
Harsh topographic conditions are a huge challenge for rural electrification in Nepal through national grid extension. Hence off-grid electrification has a huge potential and is gaining huge popularity in Nepal. Recognizing the significance of renewable energy in rural areas, with the support of various development partners, Government of Nepal considers rural electrification through renewable energy technologies as an appropriate means to enhance rural livelihoods and conserve environment in rural areas. As the intention of the installation is to increase access to solar energy services for livelihood enhancement, it has been realized to assess whether these systems installed and/being installed across different parts of Nepal is sustainable and contributing for socio-economic growth of society. The overall objective of this study is to measure and eventually assess the sustainability of solar energy projects in Nepal that have been installed for a year through a developed framework. The sustainability frame work has been developed which measures sustainability in general and technical, economic, social, and institutional and environment sustainability in particular for renewable projects implemented. Testing with framework, 74 percentages system is weakly sustainable, 10 percentages are not sustainable and only 16 percentage system is sustained which raises a question on sustainability of renewable energy projects in rural Nepal. At 70 percentages subsidy policy from Government of Nepal, there are no much changes in sustainability status of solar PV projects. 21 percentages system are sustainable, 70 percentages are weakly sustainable whereas 9 percentage system are still not sustainable. Decreasing trend on PV panel cost and increasing the electricity tariff rate might increase the sustainable status of renewable systems installed.