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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-07
Design and Analysis of a Belt Conveyor System
Ujjayan Majumdar, Sujit Maity
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i07.001
Pages: 212-230
In any sort of manufacturing industry, raw materials, products and by products as well needs to be transported or sometimes shifted from one region to another within the industry. Such impedimenta for the purpose of transportation of raw materials are designed such that they facilitate effortless, economical, smooth and safe loading and unloading with proper design considering the safety and least human indulgence. The belt conveyor system should be designed in such a way that it can be used for glib handling and shifting of materials beyond human adeptness in terms of volume and mass. Here in this project we have discussed, researched out and designed and analysed the design calculations and considerations of the belt conveyor system for coal using 7 simple roller idlers, 5 impact idlers, 12 return idlers along with the frames and channels in terms of size, length , capacity and speed, roller diameter , idler spacing, diameter, location and arrangement of pulley, control mode, 3 node division intended application and made the entire design in Dassault Solidworks 2014 and made the entire assembly in Dassault Solidworks 2014 and Ansys 14.5 and thus designed the Conveyor System with the product to be handled as well as its maximum loading capacity in order to ensure fast, continuous efficient movement of crushed coal assuming that it does not undergo any slip and neglecting halts or fatalities during loading and unloading. Upon the successful cessation of this paper, this has generated design statistics for industrial utility in the build out of a belt conveyor system which is glib, safe and performs with efficacy.