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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Improving Power Production in Biogas Based Electrical Power Generation Using Simplex Optimization Techniques
Mgbachi Cyprian AC, Araoye Timothy Oluwaseun, Aguda Olaniyi Olabisi
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i09.003
Pages: 275-281
The inconsistence power supply in our country Nigeria has arisen as a result of not having capable power generation system. This power failure experience in our country can be overcome by improving biogas electrical power generation using simplex optimization technique. This can be done in this manner, characterizing the network understudy, designing a mathematical model from the characterize network understudy, determining the generated biogas electric power, designing a MATLAB Simulink model for improving biogas electrical power generation using simplex optimization technique and comparing the percentage of optimized biogas electrical power generated to the conventional one. The result obtained is 5.4KW for optimized electrical power and 0.5KW for conventional biogas electrical power at the same volume of biogas 3.6m3. With this result obtained it shows that optimized biogas electrical power generates better biogas electrical power than the conventional method.