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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Determinations of Zones Risks of Inundations in the City of Meknes by Using G.I.S and Tools of Hydraulic Modelling
Rhazi Abdelaziz, Essahlaoui Ali, Elouali Abdelhadi, El Hmaidi Abdellah
Published: Nov. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i11.008
Pages: 354-368
At the present time, environmental risks are becoming more and more of a danger to material and human goods, especially in urban environments. In the first place, the risks of floods in the city of Meknes. Because it is crossed by three valleys which are: boufekrane valleys, Bouishak valley and the Ouislane valley on one side. urbanization and development of vulnerable areas that are exposed to these risks. It is in this context that our research, through this scientific paper, becomes our intervention to manage, prevent and predict while delineating risk areas by modeling tools and geomatics and solve this phenomenon that threaten the lives of the people.