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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Evaluation and Simulation of Pitch Angle with Fuzzy-PD Controller
Bekir Cirak
Published: March 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i03.004
Pages: 99-104
Wind turbine dynamics are generally non-linear, time-varying and uncertain. A control system designed for a turbine condition may not provide the desired stability and performance characteristics in the event of a deviation from the equilibrium point. There are many studies on turbine control in the literature. One of them, the fuzzy turbine control system Fuzzy Logic Controllers, has demonstrated a wide range of applicability from the establishment to the processes in which the plant transfer function is not defined, but the control action can be explained in terms of linguistic variables. FLC is also used in combination with improved performance rather than controllers where plant transfer function is known. Most of the applications related to the design of turbid turbine control are at the simulation level. In this study, the design and analysis of the Fuzzy-PD controller for the inclination angle control system were made and the results were compared between three different wind turbines.