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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Experimental Investigation on the Performance Characteristics of Double Condensing Chamber (DCC) Over Conventional Solar Still (CSS)
Md. Saifullah Khalid, Ankit Kumar, Kapil Kumar, Vivek Chaudhary
Published: May 10, 2019 | 213 124
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i05.001
Pages: 152–159
The study of performance on double condensing chamber solar still (DCC) and conventional solar still (CSS) at different level of water is presented experimentally in this work. Overall Output of both conventional solar still and double condensing chamber solar still with different water quantities has been found. It is seen that output of chamber- II of DCC is zero till noon almost for every day, because the partial vapor pressure difference is not high enough to drag enough vapours from condensing chamber- I to chamber- II. After that at every time interval the resultant water from condensing chamber- II is obtained. Output during night in both solar still increases with water quantities because of heat storage capacity of water. The maximum output during night is found for double condensing chamber solar still for 15 litres of water. Comparing the overall efficiency between the CSS and DCC, it is seen like overall output the overall efficiency is also more for CSS in the case of 5 litres of water, but for 10 and 15 litres DCC’s overall efficiency is more. After comparing both solar stills it is concluded that there is no significant difference in performance of both the solar stills, while cost of DCC solar still is about 30% higher than CSS solar Still.