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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Approaches and Challenges in Development of Smart Cities in Perspective of Big Data and Machine Learning
Hiba Iftikhar
Published: July 30, 2019 | 209 84
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i07.001
Pages: 210-214
There are various requirements posed by smart city projects which include a large number of users and these requirements are very diverse in nature. This paper proposes big data and machine learning as an approach for smart city project development and analyses its impacts and perspectives for the deployment of these projects. Big data is considered as an essential element to tackle most smart city projects. Unfortunately, due to lack of orthodox mechanisms and standards, most of the data generated gets wasted without extracting the potentially useful information and knowledge out of that data. This study reviews the application of big data and machine learning and explores the advantages and disadvantages as well as the opportunities and challenges of applying big data applications to smart city projects. The review suggests that there are several opportunities available for utilizing big data in smart city projects; however, a few challenges and issues are yet to be addressed in order to achieve an optimum utilization of this technology.