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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-01
A Comprehensive Ethno-pharmacological and Phytochemical Update Review on Medicinal Plant of Terminalia arjuna Roxb. of Bangladesh
Fatema Binte Hafiz, Nayeem Md. Towfique, Monokesh Kumer Sen, Shamima Nasrin Sima, Bably Sabina Azhar, M Mizanur Rahman
Published: Jan. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 19-25
This review paper focused on ethno-pharmacological uses and phytochemical constituents of Terminalia
arjuna Roxb., an important medicinal plant of Bangladesh, used in various indigenous system of medicine. This review
has been conducted to pile up information that is available in different scientific literatures. It is observed that a large
number of phytochemical components have been obtained from the plant e.g. arjunin, arjunetin, gallic acid, terminic acid,
pyrocatechols, luteolin, β-sitosterol, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and these components exhibit various medicinal
and pharmacological activities such as anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic, anti-diabetic etc. The present comprehensive update review is therefore, an effort to give detailed
information on phytochemical and pharmacological studies of T. arjuna Roxb. and this information will help the
researchers to carry out research on this pharmaceutically important medicinal plant