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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue 01
A Clinical Study of Ventral Hernia and Their Management and Outcome in Department of General Surgery, Gajra Raja Medical College Gwalior
Priyesh Rokde, Achal , Ashish Kumar , Vivek Kumar Verma
Published: Jan. 30, 2019 | 69 63
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2019.v07i01.046
Pages: 264-268
Aim: Ventral Hernia most commonly develops in the abdominal wall, where an area weakens and develops a tear or a hole. This may occur as a defect at birth, resulting from closure of part of the abdominal wall which is incomplete, or develop where an incision was made during an abdominal surgery but when the incision didn't heal properly. Abdominal tissue or part of the intestines may push through this weakened area, causing pain and potentially serious complications. This study aims to find out most common causes and complications in their management and their outcomes in their management. Material Methods: Prospective descriptive study was conducted on 50 patients admitted in various surgery units at Department of General Surgery, J.A. Group of Hospitals and G.R. Medical College, Gwalior during period January 2017 to March 2018 after taking well and informed consent from the patient. Results: Out of 50 cases, 11(22%) were umbilical hernia, 3(6%) paraumbilical hernia 8(16%), epigastric hernia, 27(54%) incisional hernia and 1(2%) spigelian hernia. Incisional hernia was found to be the most common type accounting for 54%of the cases. Next common hernia was umbilical hernia which was 11(22%). Out of 50 patients most common predisposing factors was previous surgery accounted in 27(54%), followed by, obesity 24(48 %), multiparity 22(44%), chronic cough 20(40%), anemia 18(36%), diabetes 12(24%), hypertension 8(16%). Conclusion:Ventral Hernia is a common surgical problem. It has low mortality but high morbidity. It is more common in females. Incisional hernia is the most common type of Ventral Hernia