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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Nanosuspension – A Novel Carrier For Lipidic Drug Transfer
Abhyangshree Nandkumar Mane, Sagar Suresh Gilda, Amruta Avinash Ghadge, Nikhil Rajendra Bhosekar, Rohit Rajendra Bhosale
Published: Jan. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 82-88
Solubility is the crucial factor for drug effectiveness, independence of the route of administration. Large
proportion of newly discovered drugs are water insoluble & therefore poorly bioavailable contributing to desert
development effort. Nanosuspensions have emerged as a promising strategy for the efficicent delivery of hydrophilic
drugs because of their versatile features &unique advantages. The reduction of drug particles into submicron range leads
to a significant increase in dissolution rate & therefore enhances bioavailability. Nanosuspension contain submicron
colloidal dispersion of the pharmaceutical active ingredient particles in a liquid phase stabilised by surfactant.
Nanosuspensions can be delivered by oral & non-oral route of administration. Study is focused on various methods of
preparation with advantages & disadvantages, characterization properties, applications.