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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-05
Nerve Conduction Studies in Newly diagnosed cases of Hypothyroidism
Ruchika Garg, Nitin Bansal, Narayanjeet Singh, A.K. Maria, Khushdeep Singh Arora .
Published: May 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i05.011
Pages: 479-488
The objective of this study is to evaluate the nerve conduction studies parameters and compare neurological signs and symptoms in patients with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism in Punjab. A prospective study was performed in forty adult female patients with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism and equal no. of age matched controls was also taken. Patients were evaluated initially clinically, then biochemically and later with electro-diagnostic tests. The clinical/neurological findings, the biochemical and electro-diagnostic data were evaluated before the start of treatment. Out of forty patients with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism studied, neurological signs and symptoms were present in thirty five patients. The abnormal median nerve electro-diagnostic findings suggestive of Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) due to median nerve compression at wrist was observed in twenty seven patients (67.5%), out of which twenty six (97%) were symptomatic while only one patient presented asymptomatically(3%). Out of these patients with CTS, twenty two (81%) patients had isolated CTS ie without any other neuropathy. In five patients (19%), CTS is present along with abnormal electrodiagnostic tests in lower limb nerves suggestive of sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Out of total patients, five (12.5%) had isolated sural neuropathy and four (10%) patients had also isolated sensorimotor polyneuropathy and total ten patients with sensorimotor polyneuropathy (25%) as detected by the electrodiagnostic tests.