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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-06
Fish consumption status in the north of Iran: A population based study
Gholamreza Veghari, Mehdi Sedaghat, Siavash Maghsodlo, Samieh Banihashem, Pooneh Moharloei, Abdolhamid Angizeh, Ebrahim Tazik, Abbas Moghaddami
Published: June 30, 2015 | 243 184
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i06.006
Pages: 531-535
Human health depends on proper nutrition and the role of fish consumption to reduce cardiovascular disease has well known. The main objective of this study was to assess the however fish consumption and some related factors among Fars-native, Turkman and Sisstanish ethnic groups in Golestan province in northern Iran. This was a population-based cross-sectional study that enrolled 1969 subjects aged 15-65 years using stratified and cluster sampling and subjects were randomly selected from 100 clusters and each cluster included 20 cases. The sample size with 0.03 margin of error and 95% confidential interval at least estimated 1067 cases. Interviewers recorded the data using a multidimensional questionnaire comprising socio-demographic indexes. The fish consumption defined the times of intake in last week as follow: Under 1 or 1 to 4 times and more. We used Spss.16 software for analyses. Average fish consumption at least once a week and two times a week was seen in 16.5% and 7.3%, respectively. Consuming fish at least once a week in the Turkmen ethnic group (30%) was more than Fars-native (27%) and Sisstanish ethnic group (21.2%) and statistical differences was significant among of them (P=0.011).Odds ratio of fish consumption once a week or more in Turkman ethnic group was 1.569 times more than Sisstanish ethnic group and in Fars-native was 1.380 times more than Sisstanish ethnic group (P=0.001). Educational level and Economic status were not risk factor for fish consumption.