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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-07
The craniometrical study of orbital base of Indian population and its applied importance
Dr. Gopalakrishna.K, Dr. Kashinatha Shenoy.M
Published: July 31, 2015 | 264 144
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i07.009
Pages: 618-623
In Norma frontalis the orbital base appear equal. But dimensionally are they equal or different? By considering orbital index as reference measure this study was conducted to evaluate the significant variation and correlation in the dimensions of pairs of orbital base. This research study was done on 128 human orbits of Indian origin having regular shape. Damaged or deformed orbits were excluded. Orbital index was calculated. Orbits were categorized into Microseme, Mesoseme and Megaseme type. Paired t test with p-values < 0.05 was considered significant. Result: Bilaterally significant difference was found in vertical diameter (p=0.001) and in orbital index (p=0.011). But no significant difference was observed in horizontal diameter (p=0.23). The correlation between the vertical diameters (r=0.96), horizontal diameters (r=0.95) and orbital index (r=0.776) were found. The strength of relationship between the pair of orbits was up to 92.16% in vertical diameters, 90.25% in horizontal diameters and 60.22% in orbital index. The mean orbital index in present study was 80.69±2.19 (right) and 81.16±2.02 (left). Majority of orbits were of Microseme type 79.69% [right], 75.0% [left] followed by Mesoseme type 20.31% [right], 25.0% [left]. Orbital dimensions are essential for ophthalmologist, maxillofacial surgeon, forensic scientist, anthropologist, and anatomist and in preparation of spectacles. Conclusion: Even though dimensional laterality was observed in bilateral orbits, the strong relationship was found between them.